Germanium transistors. The earliest practical transistors were made from germanium, and devices using this material were commonly used well into the 1970s. ... But, should you ever encounter a faulty one, just about any PNP germanium transistor should be a suitable replacement. Obviously, if it is attached to a heat sink with a spring clip ...
The development of the germanium transistor in 1948 opened the door to countless applications of solid state electronics. From 1950 through the early 1970s, this area provided an increasing market for germanium, but then high-purity silicon began replacing germanium in transistors, diodes, and rectifiers. (In Order of Case Style, * TC = +63°C ...
Sep 6, 2009. #7. Hyperion said: You would probably have to change a few components around this transistor if you change it for a Silicon one - overall I think Avionic's suggestion is the best - put another Germanium one in. In applications where the noise factor of transistors is important, like preamp stages, the circuits are usually tolerant ...
Another superb power transistor is the TIP31. This NPN device comes in a TO-220 power tab case. Its PNP complement is the TIP32. Some low-power circuits, such as transistor radios, will do fine with universal replacement transistors (See above): Even in dual-ended power stages. Don't forget to use heat sinks as necessary.
These transistors were meant to replace the vaccum tubes found in World War Two era Radar. The military wanted smaller, lighter and more powerful radar to bomb Germany. ... We demonstrated the first silicon germanium transistor, which operates at frequencies up to 500 GHz. Our invention refers to so-called band transistors and includes a ...
From 1950 through the early 1970s, this area provided an increasing market for germanium, but then high-purity silicon began replacing germanium in transistors, …
In germanium transistors using these oxides, very low leakage currents occur simultaneously with conduction that's better than in silicon. The insulating layers in the gates of the germanium transistors allow less leakage because they are physically thicker than the 2 nanometer SiO 2 layer in a conventional transistor, ...
Now researchers at Ohio State University (OSU) are bringing germanium back to electronics in a way that they believe could displace silicon. To achieve its new role the researchers have ...
The idea is to replace the silicon there with a material that can move current at greater rates. Building transistors with such channels could help engineers continue …
New Germanium-Based Material Could Replace Silicon for Electronics - IEEE Spectrum. Semiconductors News. New Germanium-Based Material Could …
Talon Electronics stocks transistors, diodes, TV parts, ICs, capacitors, replacement parts, hardware, connectors, test equipment parts, resistors, inductors, switches ...
If you ever had a vintage gear where you needed to get it to work but needed a replacement for Germanium transistors especially in audio circuits and you wondered if simply replacing with Silicon PNP transistors would work (with some tweaking and minor adjustments), the answer is yes. I got a Siemens Club RK 231 vintage radio which had …
Why? The CK722 has a gain of about 10 to 30. has a gain of about 20 to 30. Today's "universal replacement" transistors such as the 2N2222A and 2N3906 offer a gain of . The modern devices also have lower leakage. …
Distributor Cross Reference Search From this one search tool you can now find replacements for over 470,000 industry devices. Enter the part number you wish to replace and click the search button or press the ENTER key on your keyboard. You may use the * character as a wildcard, but you must supply at least two other characters.
The transistor got its start in the 1940s when engineers began looking for a replacement for the electron tube, an earlier device for amplification and switching. The electron tube was based on the light bulb, so it was big, fragile, and created a lot of excess heat. The inventors of the point-contact germanium transistor were John Bardeen, and ...
Submit your own product image! $4 .89. Quantity *. Add to cart. In Stock. 2N1308 NPN germanium transistors. The 2N1308 is a popular NPN for fuzz pedals and other effects. This transistor is in a TO-39 package.
but I must say that $ 6.00 is not cheap. An American replacement for the (European) AC125 could be 2N1176 or 2N406 (even same pin-outs), but I think, for the simple purpose it is used, any transistor that is a low power germanium PNP will do.
2N1304 is an NPN transistor available in TO-39 transistor package. 2N1304 is a transistor of 2N130x series which also contains other transistors such as 2N1302, 2N1306 and 2N1308. All of the transistors in the series are almost similar and can be used as equivalents. The transistor is made with germanium alloy which is a …
ALSO BY THE SAME AUTHOR BP108 International Diode Equivalents Guide BP140 Digital IC Equivalents and Pin Connections BP141 Linear IC Equivalents and Pin Connections. INTERNATIONAL TRANSISTOR EQUIVALENTS GUIDE. by. ADRIAN MICHAELS BERNARD BABANI (publishing) LTD THE GRAMPIANS. SHEPHERDS BUSH ROAD.
As to your question, looking at fig 3, 4 and 5 on page 5 of the article, I think you could replace the PNP germanium transistors directly with a small silicon PNP …
Germanium transistor replacement I checked the schematics of the A4100S playback amplifier and it is in fact quite simple to replace the original Germanium transistors with more widely available PNP Silicon devices. Only 2 resistor values need to be changed in order to restore the correct DC operating point, as shown in the drawing …
Start at the input's and check both sides of each component. Where the problem rears it's Ugly head should be the output side of your culprit. 2n251 or dtg110b should be close enough for Gov't work. I ran the 43046 # thru NTE, and it came back NTE121. Also the 2n251 AND the DTG110B came back same nte#.
1) replace the germanium with a silicon. 2) change component values. You make it sound like the old transistors are a weak point. If I go with 3055's and some kind of PNP (replace the 4 power …
Jan 10, 2024. #9. It only just dawned on me that the Crown's output transistors are NPNs. So even if the base biasing problem was solved, you'd need to find Germanium NPN parts, in a TO-3 case, good for an absolute-desperation-minimum of 60V Vcb and Vce. I'm thinking counterfeits won't be a problem, as such, because you can't counterfeit what ...
Average characteristics of the AC128 family. Maximum collector-emitter voltage: 12 to 20 V. Power dissipation : 0.5 to 1.2 W (more than most of other small case transistors). Maximum collector current : 0.5 to 1.5A (more than other small case transistors). Gain : 80 to 250 (rarely more than 150). Maximum frequency : 0.5 to 1.5 …
Don't bother to try and modify a circuit using Germanium transistors to use silicon transistors it requires a redesign of the circuit. There are electronic engineers in the Zenith Transoceanic world who have done so in the Royal 1000, and 3000 radios and they tell us the result is not worth the PIA it is to do the mod' remember these Zenith radios do …
Germanium transistors. The earliest practical transistors were made from germanium, and devices using this material were commonly used well into the 1970s. ... But, should you ever encounter a faulty one, just about …
I'm not concerned with the transistors being an exact replacement but need something that will work in the same circuit. Thanks in advance for your help! N. nashvillebill Super Member. Jun 1, 2008 ... germanium transistor (Ge) might be pretty tough to find.I don't believe they use germanium any more, probably alot cheaper to use silicon. ke4jhj
1. Go look up a data sheet for the 2N3904. Notice that most values (leakage, hfe, etc) have a range of possible values. So there is no such thing as a "perfect" replacement - only one which is generally the same. Now look at the data sheets of the potential replacements, and pick one with a good match. – WhatRoughBeast. Oct 13, …
You cannot replace a Germanium transistor with a silicon transistor… without significantly redesigning the circuit. Germanium transistors come in PNP and …
When transistors appear in pairs in the original circuit (differential amplifier, Schmitt trigger) change the pair, not just one transistor. When a germanium transistor is used with its base-emitter …
Motorola Gold-Lead TO-92 NPN transistor, 20V, 200mA. $1.09. Sold Out. HEP-231 HEP231 PNP Germanium TO-36 Power Transistor. Motorola HEP Replacement Transistor, replaces 2N277, 2N278, 2N441, 2N441BLU, 2N442, DS501, DS502, GE-4. $14.40. 6 IN STOCK. HEP-236 Germanium PNP Transistor 80V 25A 106W.
I'd like to find a modern silicon PNP transistor replacement for an AC125 (those germanium transistors are sometimes noisy... and are rather pricey too). It's a …
by James T. Hawes, AA9DT. Redesign Germanium Transistor Circuits, Part 7. Replacement Transistors, Capacitors, & Diodes. Universal Replacement Parts. Fortunately, replacing germanium deviceswith …